Monday, May 3, 2010

Evaluation of 3 concepts

We decided we need to take a step back, and do some research on specific interactions, and existing technologies that could be hacked.

So we gave ourselves the task to come up a whole list of simple everyday objects/toys and situations, and this is some of what we came up with:

- Tamagotchi
- Furby
- Toy babies you have to look after
- M&Ms
- Lego
- Babushka dolls
- Tickle-me-Elmo
- Spin tops
- Puzzle ball – ball you have to add to so it becomes a whole
- Lego – add all the right colour together
- Rubix cube
- Kids puzzle toys where you put the right shape in the right slot
- Marbles – smoky etc could reflect weather
- Umbrella – the more open the harder it rains
- Hats or coats that you put on and the weather changes to suit

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